Friday, January 16, 2009

G.G.C.-2244 (HOLE 2)

Hole 2. This was a ELEVATED 545 par 3. The green was on a elevated plateau. The greens dimensions were that of a rectangle. The green was 100 ft up in the air. It was 125 yards across and 175 yards wide. It was like a flashback of the movie 'Close Encounters of the Third kind'. The wind was blowing more rapid the higher you got. 55 mph gusts up top. The first to step to the tee was 'Tigre Woo'. He was the leader at 2 under. He was on the tee about to swing, when all of a sudden 'Vladamir' was making distracting noises. To Vladimir, this was payback. He wanted to kill that little boy for causing him to 'double bogey' on the first hole. He hit the ball....up and away.....looked like it was going to fly over the hole and miss everything. The wind gust caused the ball to hit a fly-by bird.(DOINK!) The ball fell on the green. It was still rolling. The wind helped the ball roll a little faster. (Like this was an act of God or maybe just luck) It rolled towards the hole and fell in. HOLE IN ONE!!!! 'Tigre' couldn't see what had happened. His parents were able to see the shot on the 'floating image device'. They were overwhelmed. They pushed the stroller to the tee and told 'Tigre' to get in. Dad said to himself...."that's my boy." Next to go was 'Sir Walter Byron Nelson' at 1 under. He was determined. There was no stopping his focus. Walked to the tee. He passed 'Tigre' and said "Nice shot little chap." Sir Walter stepped to the tee. Staring at the elevated green. He hit the ball. It was a perfect swing. Solid hit! It flew and landed on the green and rolled in the cup. HOLE IN ONE!!!! Back to back aces. An amazing feat. You could hear the roar of the world in the distance in Colorado. He wasn't going to let Tigre run away with the lead at this stage of the tournament. Next was 'Yin Lee Chang' at 1 under. She saw what had happened and wondered if she could do the same. Very doubtful. With all of her mental calculations in order.............She swung. The ball was in the air flying towards the elevated green. Right on target. Hit the green and rolled towards the cup. It hit the cup and lipped out. It was 4 inches away. She yelled back at the judges....."DID IT GO....DID IT GO!" They said NO. Vladimir was watching on the monitor and started laughing. 'Chang' walked up to 'Vladamir' and said..."they don't teach manners in Siberia at Barbarian school." He put his hand in her face and said "TALK TO ZEE HAND". "Hmmphh" she said and turned away. Next to go was 'Granny' (even) par. She was tiring from carrying her own bag. The hole was very far away for her strenght. She took out her driver and smashed the ball. It was actually carrying. believe it not it landed on the green with a full head of steam. It rolled right by the hole and continued to fall off the hole. OUCH! 100 yard drop. She was going to be allowed a drop on the edge of the green. Next up....'Johann Svenick'. This hole was a perfect fit for his height. He walked up to the tee with a 4 iron. He glanced at the elevated green. He was thinking......'it's almost like hitting a ball on top of the Alps. No problem. He hit and the ball sailed sky high. It bounced at the back edge of the green and had tremendous back spin. The ball rolled back passed the hole and stopped 20 yards past. He was on. 'Mate McClubber' was next. He was unsure on how to hit the ball. His caddie handed him a 4 iron and said (again) "Let her rip!" He hopped to the tee and lined up to shoot. 'Mate' hit the ball. The ball didn't catch to much lift. It was like a deflated balloon at light speed. The ball hit three feet below the edge of the elevated green and stuck like a thorn in somebodies side. It was on the green.....technically.Last but not least....'Vladimir' at 2 over par. He stepped up to the tee. He turned his attention to the 'Woo' family and said..."Keep zee little one quiet and put zee plastic thing in zee mouth and SHUT UP!!!" 'Vladamir' wanted complete silence. He lined up to shoot. It was quiet. He shot the ball. Excellent swing. The ball flew and landed on the green. He was 10 yards from the hole. 'Vladamir' was arrogant and cocky. He started doing the 'Russian Kick Dance'. Arms folded, bent down, left and right leg going back and forth. He yelled....."THIS IZ HOW YOU DO IT!!!" Repeating it over and over for around 45 seconds.

The elevated green had an Ancient looking staircase to get to the top. All the golfers, with the exception of 'Tigre' and 'Sir Walter' had to make the journey up the stairs. 'Granny' had a difficult time making it without a caddy. If she wasn't careful........she could over-exert herself. She made it....................barely. At the top the first to go was 'Mate McClubber'. His ball was wedged on the side of the green. He took a pitching wedge and kneeled next to the edge. He could reach the ball. He was thinking of was how to play the ball. He got it. A 'boom-a-rang' shot. To hit the ball with enough spin that it would curve onto the green. From his knees, he was down to take the shot. He felt it out. A couple of practice swings from that position. He swung. "Mate' skinned the ball with his club and got it to go straight up in the air. The ball flew about 50 yards in the air. The ball started to curve in flight. It hit on the green 2 feet from "Mate'. The ball stuck. Great recovery. He was only 123 feet from cup for Par. 'Granny' was next. She got to drop in the drop spot. The spot was 174 feet from the hole. She made the drop and was shooting 3. She envisioned the shot and read the green like a sharp-shooter would. She decided to hit by instinct. She knew the distance. Grabbed her putter. Her eyes were closed. She had the 'force'. She hit the ball. She kept her head down. Everything was quiet. Eyes closed and head down. The ball was rolling...........(clunk!) Par!! What a shot. She fell to her knees out of exhaustion. "Mate' was still over 120 yards from the hole. 'Mate' was hitting his third shot. He hit the ball. The ball rolled to the right of the cup and went 15 yards past. Next was 'Johann' he was hitting for a bird. He was 20 yards away. No problem. Twenty yards to a man of his size was equivalent to a tap in. He knocked it in. BIRDIE! 'Mate' was lining up for his 'bogey' attempt. 15 yards to go. Nailed it. BOGEY! The next was the ever so arrogant, cocky 'Vladimir'. He grabbed his putter and lowered to the ground and putted the club like a pool stick. BIRDIE! He was jumping for joy. Doing the Tiger Woods fist pump. That was the universal sign for greatness. "I'M ZEE BEST....I'M ZEE BEST...HARR-HARR...ARGGGHH!" Pumping his chest like the 'monkey' he was. Last to putt was 'Yin Lee Chang'. She tapped in. BIRDIE!
1.(-4) Tigre Woo 2.(-3) Sir Walter Byron Nelson 3.(-2) Yin Lee Chang 4.(-1) Johann Svenick 5.(E) Linda 'Granny' Walker 6. (+1) Mate McClubber 6.(+1) Vladamir Chekov.

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